Conrad Fox


Haitian cities creak with the pressure as more people flee the countryside

In twenty years, Haiti has transformed from a predominantly rural country to one of the most urbanized on the continent. This has helped reduce extreme poverty, but it has put a strain on the infrastructure of Port-au-Prince, where most migrants end up. The movement is unsustainable, say experts, but unlikely to reverse any time soon. Despite pollution, traffic and crime, the newcomers say the city hold out something the country can never do: hope.

I'm a journalist, producer, instructional designer and developer. I've reported from a minefield and a dugout canoe, taught radio journalism, robotics, and anthropology in board rooms, lecture halls and mud huts, led award-winning media projects, and mentored dozens of journalists in Canada and Latin America. I run a small media production company specialized in education and the environment called Studio Canek.

Digital storytelling

Conrad is a reporter's reporter - courageous, compassionate and creative. No easy press conferences for him. Conrad takes on assignments that might scare off others and always delivers. A first-rate storyteller.

Leda Hartman

Public media editor and journalist, USA