Haiti Untold
A two-year project to cover little known aspects of inequality in Haiti. I recruited and mentored 8 Haitian journalists, helped produce 18 stories for Haitian media, reported 3 stories myself and even edited a 7-part radio series in Haitian Creole.

Vidas Cruzadas
An eight part Spanish-language documentary that follows the journey of two young brothers from El Salvador to the US. Produced as a real-life drama, or radionovela, Vidas Cruzadas involved a dozen reporters from Central America, the US and Mexico and aired on community radio stations across the region.

Neglected Waters
Nobody in Haiti lives more than 100km from the coast. Yet the coastal ecosystems that nourish the country are threadbare. An in-depth look at the problem and the people trying to solve it. Produced in collaboration with Haiti Climat.

New Roots Radio
I led a multicultural team of young volunteer reporters from across Canada to take an up close look at immigrant life. The show followed an hour long newsmagazine format, including features stories, in-studio interviews and documentaries. It won an Honorable Mention in the National Community …

Land + Sea
A Mexican and a US reporter cover two controversial projects in Baja California, in which US investments compete with locals for space.

Immigration Uncovered
Immigration is not just a stream of migrants from south to north. It's the stories on the way. I led an international team of reporters to find those stories, which won a Peabody award in the process.