Conrad Fox


Hands on projects for young engineers

Aug. 1, 2024

A speed run through some of the exciting science and engineering projects I have created for children. All of these projects come with friendly step-by-step videos, materials and parts lists, and easy-to-follow diagrams and templates. Most materials are simple household or recycled items, and can be purchased inexpensively.

Life of Ice

Animated explainer video about the life cycle of Arctic ice and how it is being affected by climate change.

Hydraulic arm

A complex project that leverages levers and takes advantage of mechanical advantage. Builders experiment with hydraulic pistons and practice fabricating intricate assemblies.

RC Racer

This project emphasizes modularity, combining lessons on electrical circuits and motors with what builders have already learnt about simple machines. A touch of 3D design allows them to create interesting bodywork for a robust vehicular platform.

Air car

Newton's third law comes alive with this simple but powerful propeller-powered car.

Marine themed crafts

Beginning builders get an introduction to working with materials and designs, whlie learning about sea-life, light and magnet.

I'm a journalist, producer, instructional designer and developer. I've reported from a minefield and a dugout canoe, taught radio journalism, robotics, and anthropology in board rooms, lecture halls and mud huts, led award-winning media projects, and mentored dozens of journalists in Canada and Latin America. I run a small media production company specialized in education and the environment called Studio Canek.

Digital storytelling

Conrad is a reporter's reporter - courageous, compassionate and creative. No easy press conferences for him. Conrad takes on assignments that might scare off others and always delivers. A first-rate storyteller.

Leda Hartman

Public media editor and journalist, USA