Conrad Fox


Mexican students win Robot "supercup"

Mexico was dominant this week at the international RobotChallenge in Vienna, winning four gold, four silver and one bronze in all competitions. Italy came second with two gold and Russia third. There were 101 robots, and 21 teams competing in …

  • Soccer

80 year old scratches for sand to stay alive

A (Latin American) Mother's Day special from La Tribuna, in Honduras:Eighty-year old Doña Maria Leandra Cruz Salgado earns a living wandering the polluted bed of the river Comayaguela, in one of the most violent neighbourhoods in Honduras. She is …

  • journalism

A little piece of Peabody

The Peabody Award, which my team at Round Earth Media was part of this year, was put into perspective at the supper table. "We won a Peabody," I announced. The kids snickered. My wife looked blank. In the US, the Peabody Award …

  • robotics
  • teaching

Captain Hook and the case of over-engineering

Meet Captain Hook. A week in the making. Late nights. Days off work. Bleary eyes. Finger tips aching from endlessly readjusting bits of plastic, pulling out pins, reconstructing parts that kept falling off. I went to sleep at night stepping through programming loops. I woke up early to scrape through the box of parts. And when I ran out of parts, I broke a rule I set out for all my students by rifling through everyon

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